低奢大平层,精致生活 | 唐忠汉新作

以人为本,透过设计,直达生活的真实需求,提升心理仪式性的转换,让住宅不仅是满足基本的需求而是到达体验的感受,让我 们所看到的不仅是设计而是对于生活的深刻体会。 玄关处先利用深色石材铺贴地坪与壁面,幷特选用在漆黑中带有反光纹理的低调奢华咖啡绒石材


Angelica Chernenk是来自俄罗斯的独立设计师,曾就读于莫斯科国立大学的土木工程专业,她创立的工作室A.CH Design才一年时间,却因为设计禀赋大受欢迎,Angelica Chernenk致力于打造独一无二的居住空间。

GUI/Angelica sinensis -dan GUI Chernenk is independent from Russian designers, studied at Moscow state university majoring in civil engineering, she founded A.C H Design studio is only a year, but because of the hugely popular Design talents, GUI/Angelica sinensis -dan GUI Chernenk to create a unique living space.



极致 优雅 平和


Angelica Chernenko最新的案例,位于法国普罗旺斯的一座极简主义现代公寓,这种简约风格要求严格,包括完美的比例感,同时赋予了空间自由,整体性和舒适宁静感。

Angelica Chernenko the latest case, provence in France a minimalist modern apartment, demanding the contracted style, including perfect sense of proportion, given a free space at the same time, the integrity and comfortable halcyon feeling.


Set the basic form of space material, reveals the texture and the atmosphere. Other important element is the volume of a concise, natural material, clear object geometry, composition of the freedom and flexibility. In the chaos of life, eager to find a harmonious peaceful place, this is the motivation behind each project, to rethink the space and the meaning of each element, here wouldn't find too much decoration.


每天给你分享一个设计灵感 这间一居室公寓 是由乌克兰两位美女设计师 Nastia Perchyk 和 Marina Bessmertnaya 共同设计的,全屋以灰黑、白色为主 两种颜色相互碰撞形成鲜明对比 给人温暖又静谧的双重体验 玄关入口的一侧用镜子做玄关柜柜门 在视觉上将空间放



自然 宁静 质朴


同样为2020年完成的项目,位于丹麦哥本哈根的一所公寓,Angelica Chernenko采用复古与时尚结合的设计手法,呈现给使用者一种历史感,又焕发出新的生命力。

Also to complete the project in 2020, is located in an apartment building in Copenhagen, Denmark, GUI/Angelica sinensis -dan GUI Chernenko based on restoring ancient ways and fashion design technique, is presented to the user a sense of history, coruscate gives new vitality.

近 期 其     案 例  





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